
By cutting down on the meat you eat, you can experience measurable health effects. You don’t need to go cold turkey 和 cut out all meat all the time – just a few meatless meals on occasion or plant-centric plates can go a long way to improving heart health.

What are the benefits of cutting back on meat?

Eating a plant-based meal every now 和 then can help you lower your risk of heart disease 和 obesity. Mixing in some meatless meals won’t require you to give up your carnivorous ways. 我们让专家来解释.

小提示# 1:

Most of the cholesterol-raising saturated fats that Americans eat come from meat 和 full-fat dairy products such as whole milk cheese,爱丽丝·利希滕斯坦说, D.Sc., a professor of nutrition at Tufts University 和 an AHA volunteer. “If you decrease your daily intake of animal fat, you’re going to decrease your intake of saturated fat."


What does your dinner look like when you take meat off the menu? Your meal won’t be boring 和 there are more options than you’d think! 例如,想吃汉堡? Try a savory grilled portabella mushroom burger. Look for plant-based alternatives which have limited added sugar, saturated fat 和 sodium. 

小提示# 2:

Going meatless is as simple as moving vegetables 和 fruits from a side dish to a starring role. You should also seek out high-fiber whole grains, 豆类, 无盐坚果, 低脂和脱脂乳制品. These tend to be high in fiber, vitamins, minerals 和 other important phytonutrients.


小提示# 3:

An easy way to get started is to eat one meatless meal a week. Sticking with it can quickly make you start feeling lighter 和 your wallet fatter: People who eat less meat tend to consume fewer calories, 还有豆类等食物, are one of the most cost-effective sources of protein available. Meat typically costs more per pound than other protein sources. 


当你吃肉的时候, 选择最精瘦的发型, reduce your portion size to no more than 3 oz cooked, 去除所有可见脂肪, 和 cook in a healthy way to avoid excess saturated fats. And remember, a meatless meal doesn’t automatically translate to less saturated fat. Saturated fat is also found in whole milk products, cheese, 和 coconut 和 palm oils. 

小提示# 4:

“你可以掉肉, 但如果你用乳蛋饼代替牛排, you’re not going to get any advantage in terms of heart health,” Dr. 利希滕斯坦告诫. 确保你做了健康的交换.


  • Keep the refrigerator 和 pantry stocked with plant-based alternatives like vegetables, 豆类, nuts 和 seeds, 和 whole grains.
  • 找到食谱 对于无肉餐 把你的厨子带上! The 美国心脏协会 offers a variety of healthy, delicious plant-based entrees.
  • 工作时吃素. 如果你有办公室厨房的话, keep a few convenient meatless foods you like, such as veggie burgers 和 vegetarian microwavable meals, 马上就来, 无肉午餐. Pack your lunch bag with hummus, 无盐坚果, low-fat Greek yogurt, hard-boiled egg, etc.





